Valencia Schools and School Attendance Boundaries
Scroll down to search homes in the area of your school of choice.
Valencia High Schools and Junior High Schools
William S. Hart High School District Attendance Boundary Map

William S. Hart Attendance Boundary Map 2011 (Click here for Printable Version)
The above map indicates which area a home would be in for attendance at a particular school. Information is deemed to be correct for 2012 but, boundaries do change from time to time as new schools are being built. Please do NOT rely solely on this map for determining where your child will attend school. You can check the street address for elementary, junior high, and high schools by clicking on the “Schools by Street Address” above. BUT, please call the William S. Hart District office, or that of the school to make the final determination. The maps and information are given as guidelines only.
Rio Norte Junior High School and Valencia High School
Placerita Junior High School and Hart High School
Rancho Pico Junior High School and West Ranch High School
Arroyo Seco Junior High School and Saugus High School
Valencia Elementary Schools
Newhall Elementary District Boundary Map

Click map to enlarge
Newhall Elementary School District Attendance Boundary Map (Printable Version)
Newhall Elementary School District
Schools for Valencia Area are as follows:
Old Orchard Elementary School
Newhall Elementary School
Meadows Elementary School
Valencia Valley Elementary School
Oak Hills Elementary School
Saugus Union District Boundary Map

Click map to enlarge
Valencia Elementary Schools – Saugus Union School District (Printable version)
Saugus Union Elementary School District
Schools for Valencia Area are as follows:

Charles Helmers Elementary School

West Creek Academy
Tesoro Del Valle Elementary
Santa Clarita Elementary
James Foster Elementary School

Search Homes For Sale Near Your School of Choice
To search homes for sale near your school of choice, first choose your bedrooms, baths, square feet etc. then click on the “Lifestyle” icon, next “Schools”. Choose “Public” or “Private” and then the school type eg. elementary. Enter the name of the school which will bring up a round blue button on the map. Use the slider to determine a distance from the school (a blue circle will expand as distance expands from the school). Zoom in on the map till the area fills the screen……Click on a home to have details appear. You can save as a favorite, email to a friend, post on facebook, or ask a question via email.
Please call Pia at 661 645 5556 to see a home of interest.
Until then, enjoy playing around!