“Valencia 1” neighborhood of Valencia CA in the city of Santa Clarita is the oldest of all the Valencia CA neighborhoods and began Valencia CA real estate sales in 1965. See all Valencia 1 neighborhood Valencia CA homes for sale.
The first homes to be constructed in 1965 under the new Valencia Master Plan were homes built in Old Orchard 1 tract one of which is shown above. While the Valencia 1 neighborhood may be one of the oldest neighborhoods of all of Valencia CA neighborhoods, it has not been left behind in any way. Most of the tracts within the Valencia 1 neighborhood have Home Owner’s Associations which means that neighborhoods are well kept and homes are beautifully maintained.
These neighborhoods are extremely popular because of their central locations to both 1-5 and 1-14 freeways and to the Valencia Santa Clarita Mall. Additionally, they have great access to parks, the local YMCA, and the Henry Mayo Memorial Hospital.
The Valencia 1 neighborhood is a great candidate for those who want to buy in Valencia, for less money than often found in newer home neighborhoods of Valencia. Those who like mature trees, lush landscaping, and ease of mobility will be able to find something here.
Valencia 1 Neighborhood Tracts – Single Family Home Tracts
Valencia 1 is the largest of the neighborhoods within the Valencia area, and you can find tracts of single family homes, condominiums and town homes. The homes can be found in all sizes, and even custom homes can be found in this lovely Valencia neighborhood. All are situated close to major shopping centers, including the Valencia Mall, major business centers, golf courses, and the College of the Canyons and the California Institute of the Arts. For fun entertainment, Magic Mountain is a great place to hang out!
Valencia 1 Neighborhood Tracts – Condominiums and Town Homes
Arbor Park | Arroyo West | Fairways | Franciscan Hill |
Lakeshore | Las Ventanas | Madison | Old Orchard Condos |
Santa Fe | Siena Villas | Sunrise | Vista Valencia |

Valencia 1 pioneered the development of the famous Valencia paseos. These are pathways connecting one tract with another as well as connecting neighborhoods with one another. The eventually connect to the larger Santa Clarita trails in the region. Offering great safety for residents and their children, these pathways cross under and over boulevards so that there is no necessity to cross streets. Lovely lush landscaping and mature tree parks make riding a bike or walking a pleasure. Children can play at the end of the many cul de sacs and walk to schools nearby.
Th Valencia 1 neighborhood has tracts and homes any member of the family can enjoy!
Valencia 1 Neighhorhood Tracts – Schools
Meadows Elementary School | Valencia Valley Elementary School | Old Orchard Elementary School |
Placerita Junior High School | William S. Hart High School |
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Valencia 1 Neighborhood – Tracts – Valencia CA – 91355
Santa Clarita Real Estate and Homes – Pia Soper, Realty Executives