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Please call me when you’re ready to look at homes in person, or if you are interested in selling a home in Valencia Bridgeport, please text or call me at 661 645 5556.
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LEARN MORE ABOUT Valencia Bridgeport Homes
Want to know more about Valencia CA? Valencia CA
Click here to look at other Valencia CA homes and Neighborhoods
Valencia Bridgeport CA homes for sale are some of the most sought after homes in the community of Valencia CA in the city of Santa Clarita. Single family residences are elegantly situated around Bridgeport Valencia Lake. Condominiums, town homes and garden homes are within walking distance of the lake and recreation center. The neighborhood is connected to the local parks and to all the tracts within the neighborhood by the Valencia paseo system. A system of walkways which run along the Santa Clarita River and within the tract. Children can walk of bike to school without having to cross major roads.
If you are interested in the Bridgeport elementary school attendance zone, please also see other homes for sale near Valencia Bridgeport elementary school.
Author: Pia Soper
Article Source: Pia Soper
Article Title: Valencia Bridgeport CA Homes for Sale
Valencia Bridgeport CA Homes for Sale – Valencia CA